in Events, Ontario, Ottawa, Startups

Dex goes on the road – Social and Personal CRM

Dex, a new social CRM application from MercuryGrove is doing a roadshow for the next few weeks to demo their release and spread the word.

I have been excited about Dex since Mercury Rising was announced.

This has been such a great, collaborative journey that we decided the best way to tell people about dex was to go tell people about dex. So we’re packing up our best suits, dressing dex up really nice, and taking her on the road to tell people about our development experience, show them the final result (beta), and hopefully get a lot of great feedback that we can jam into the first release!

Here is the schedule:

  • Toronto – Tuesday, January 20th @ CSI
  • Ottawa – Wednesday, January 21st @ The Code Factory
  • Montreal – Thursday, January 22nd
  • New York – Monday, January 26th @ New Work City
  • Boston – Wednesday, January 28th @ BetaHouse
  • Philadelphia – Thursday, January 29th, 6pm @ Indy Hall
  1. Hey Jevon, thanks for posting!

    The Toronto event tomorrow night is at 6:30pm at the Centre for Social Innovation.

    People who want to attend can signup here:

    Look forward to meeting local startups tomorrow night!

  2. Hi,

    I missed this event. What was the reception like? We’re looking at CRM’s right now and so far highrise isn’t offering much beyond what basecamp already does and Zoho seems like too steep a learning curve.


  3. Hi,

    I missed this event. What was the reception like? We’re looking at CRM’s right now and so far highrise isn’t offering much beyond what basecamp already does and Zoho seems like too steep a learning curve.


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