- Startup Drinks is happening after DemoCamp on Jan 27 http://bit.ly/8273E2 #toronto #startups #social #
- Myths of the entrepreneur as risk taker. http://bit.ly/4XJ7pN #
- RT @RICCentre: Breakfast session on Angel and VC financing in Canada! Register at http://bit.ly/2zgCH9 #
- RT @bwertz: Speaking at the Angel Investing workshop in Vancouver today and hope to recruit more angels for BC #
- RT @CVCACanada: Proud sponsors of the next-gen of entrepreneurs: The Business Plan Competition adVenture 2010 http://bit.ly/7gJy7u #
- RT @danmartell: "Canadians are dangerous cause they can really drink." @bfeld on #twist http://bit.ly/8WnqQ8 #startupvisa #
- I'm at #TMTPred2010 all the usual suspects are here though I'm surprised to see @pkedrosky in the flesh #
- "What do entrepreneurs flock to loudmouths as mentors?" http://bit.ly/8LrsVI #mentorship < be selective #
- RT @DeloitteCanada: OH @BostonCigar "Government get out of the damn way" #TMTPred2010 #
- congratulations @TechCapital @GrowthWorks invest in Bering Media http://bit.ly/8U6rzp #toronto #startups #
- RT @jimmurphy: @bwat Wrote about this http://bit.ly/1C3zvC Sec 116 is largest single & fixable problem to Cdn innovation #TMTPred2010 #
- it is raining money. @ecobee raises $6.73 million from @techcapital, JLA, OETF http://bit.ly/8rnKGl #
- wow, Ottawa-based Tomoye has been bought by Newsgator http://bit.ly/6dfBb5 http://bit.ly/7kurbX #canada #acquisition #startup #
- Halifax HackerSpace looking at starting up. Developer developers developers! http://bit.ly/7GTP2L #
- RT @startupcfo: Post: What can go wrong? http://bit.ly/8q5AWs #
- VanEdge scores EA as an LP http://bit.ly/73U7iu #vancouver #vc #gaming #
- RT @bwertz: Great news for Vancouver & congrats to Paul Lee! RT @techvibes: Electronic Arts to invest in VanEdge Capital http://su.pr/1ArfKl #
- New job posted: Community Co-ordinator / Totally ADD / Mississauga, ON, Canada http://bit.ly/5DtBmM #
- RT @aliasaria: Reminder: TieQuest 2010 submissions for Canadian startups is soon — entry deadline Jan 30. http://bit.ly/6Kl4m8 #
January 2010
Bering Media raises Series A
Having learned the ropes as Directors of Sales at Sandvine, cofounders Michael Ho and Nicolas St-Pierre set out to develop technology enabling the delivery of hyperlocal geo-targeted online advertising.
With a major pilot customer signed on and patent-pending privacy architecture, Bering Media has now secured Series A financing from Tech Capital, GrowthWorks Commercialization Fund, and the Ontario Emerging Technologies Fund.
Congratulations to the Bering Media team on the raise as well as Tech Capital for successfully bringing in the OETF on this deal, the first co-investment from the $250M fund.
Week in Review
- RT @phankinson: Tether is now the #1 top paid application on BlackBerry AppWorld (on the BlackBerry)… That was quick! #
- Just had my butt handed to me in squash a 6 games in a row . . . #
- RT @tpurves: Pssst it's Live! CommunityLend Canada's social-lending bank killer is now alive http://bit.ly/7VLgJE < congrats! #
- RT @sgblank Victory From Adversity: http://wp.me/prGQZ-1cm #
- RT @RobOstfield: We're excited to announce that @Jordan_Banks Thunder Road Capital has made an investment in @andpop http://bit.ly/4ZEg67 #
- RT @startupcfo Blog Post: Internet Sector Funding Report http://bit.ly/5Wbv1L #startups #funding #internet #
- RT @thoughtfarmer screenshots of ThoughtFarmer 3.6 on Flickr: http://bit.ly/5ffTLu. #thoughtfarmer #3.6 #launchday #
- Why @HubSpot won't exhibit at Tradeshows & Events anymore? http://bit.ly/6TwkUx #marketing #metrics #
- RT @RICCentre: Raising capital from local angels & VCs? Breakfast session on Jan 20th! Visit http://bit.ly/74KGfx #peelregion #gta #
- RT @suziedingwall: Exit trends: earn-out provisions are used ~100% of the time to deal w/ gaps in perceived value between startup & acquiror #
- RT @bwertz @TechFlash: Amazing list of Seattle startups started by RealNetworks alumni http://bit.ly/4ZawJq #fairchildren #
- RT @rayluk: Meeting with @RogersVentures this morning < this is a powerhouse meeting #
- RT @sgblank: A Startup is Not a Smaller Version of a Large Company: http://wp.me/prGQZ-1du #
- RT @leilaboujnane iStockphoto & Photoshelter fully integrated in TinEye index! Attribution is your friend http://bit.ly/6I4ARm Go #TinEye #
- RT @rhh New post: Organization – The Shareholder Agreement: http://bit.ly/8x7LJk #
- RT @jacquimurphy *Drumroll !* RT @postrank: Announcing the PostRank Top Blogs of 2009! http://bit.ly/5syOxx http://bit.ly/4X8jb0 #
- RT @mastermaq @CityofEdmonton: Microsoft highlighting the great work the #yegdata team is doing http://bit.ly/5lJVRi! #
- RT @VCMike: New Blog Post: The Product Guy Myth http://bit.ly/7i0aJm #