in Events, Montreal, Quebec, Startups

Akoha Starter kits – get'em while they're hot

Montreal based Akoha, who are going on stage tomorrow at the TechCrunch50. We have previously profiled their angel round and I have been watching their progress closely. 

We can’t say much about what Akoha is, but what I can do is give you all an exclusive invitation to get a free starter kit. These kits, which will only be available until tomorrow, will be mailed out to you right away. 

Head over here to the Akoha store (powered by and sign up for the starter kit, and remember to tune in to to Akoha’s presentation tomorrow.

I also came across a vote for who will be the most promising startup presenting at TechCrunch50. You can vote for Akoha, as they are neck and neck for 1st place.  

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