in Site News, Startups

Idee's new iphone app – TinEye Music

I am hanging out at Idee where they are demoing their new iPhone application.

I have to say I am impressed. The application allows you to take a picture of a CD (books and other products coming soon) and the app will then come back with pricing and other information. In the case of a CD, you can sample the tracks and buy them directly from the iTunes store.

After seeing TinEye, a lot of people have asked “what is the killer app for search?”, I really don’t have an answer, because it isn’t really the kind of stuff I think about, but this represents the kind of innovation and interesting applications that can come out of this kind of technology. This might not be the killer app itself, but it shows that there are dozens of problems that Visual Search can solve.

The message I got tonight was that Idee is just getting started in building tools that make use of their core visual search technology, and that we are going to be seeing a lot more in the months and years to come.

This iPhone application should be available within a few weeks, depending on how quickly the iTunes store approves it.

Leila Boujnane, Idee’s CEO, will be speaking at StartupEmpire in November.

  1. this is cool.

    i dont know why i thought about it, but intelligence could approach them to identify people (think big brother)


  2. this is cool.

    i dont know why i thought about it, but intelligence could approach them to identify people (think big brother)


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  • The Idée Blog » Blog Archive » They came, they saw, they installed TinEye Music… October 1, 2008

    […] You can learn more about our app by watching our quick little video or reading today’s posts by Mathew Ingram and Adam Schwabe.  Jevon from StartupNorth beat all of us all to the punch, however, with his TinEye Music review posted during the party. […]

  • The Idée Blog » Blog Archive » They came, they saw, they installed TinEye Music… October 1, 2008

    […] You can learn more about our app by watching our quick little video or reading today’s posts by Mathew Ingram and Adam Schwabe.  Jevon from StartupNorth beat all of us all to the punch, however, with his TinEye Music review posted during the party. […]

  • False Positives » Blog Archive » TinEye Mobile : iPhone visual search for stuff October 1, 2008

    […] Leila Boujnane, Idee’s CEO, has a video showing off TinEye Mobile and Mathew Ingram writes Idee does visual search, iPhone-style, as does Jevon MacDonald (StartUp North) in Idee’s new iphone app – TinEye Music. […]

  • False Positives » Blog Archive » TinEye Mobile : iPhone visual search for stuff October 1, 2008

    […] Leila Boujnane, Idee?s CEO, has a video showing off TinEye Mobile and Mathew Ingram writes Idee does visual search, iPhone-style, as does Jevon MacDonald (StartUp North) in Idee?s new iphone app – TinEye Music. […]

  • Idee does visual search, iPhone-style — October 1, 2008

    […] has already beaten me to it with a post at Startup North, but I wanted to mention Idee Inc.’s new iPhone app, which I got a sneak […]

  • Idee does visual search, iPhone-style — October 1, 2008

    […] has already beaten me to it with a post at Startup North, but I wanted to mention Idee Inc.’s new iPhone app, which I got a sneak […]