Need a ticket for the Grow Conference?

Grow Conference - August 17-19, 2011 - Vancouver, BC

The sponsors of the Grow Conference are offering a chance to win one of a few tickets to some starving startups. Each day a new sponsor will give away tickets, the best way to stay on top of the latest opportunity is to follow #growconf on Twitter @growconf.

The first ticket is sponsored by Pagemill Partners, a premier investment bank located Silicon Valley, with  with as many as 1/3 of their transactions in a given year occurring on a cross-border basis.

To win these passes tweet the following today:

RT to enter! “Hey #pagemillpartners – Please send me to the @growconf #growconf in Vancouver (LINK TO YOUR BLOG/COMPANY).

At the end of each day, the Grow Conference organizers will pick the winners who will get a pass for Days 2 & 3 at the 2011 Grow Conference. You’ll need to arrange and pay for your own travel and accommodations.


Contest: The Art of Management tickets

The Art of Management - Nov 15, 2010 - Toronto, ONOur friends at The Art of Productions have given us 2 tickets to give away. There are tickets to:

You can buy a ticket right away and get $50 off the regular price (you’ll pay $349) — just use the discount code SK23 and visit or

If this sounds familiar, it’s the exact same deal as our friends at (so you can increase your odds of winning by entering at both sites ;-). And we’ll just borrow the

How to Enter

  • Just retweet this post. That will count as 1 entry. Tweeting multiple times won’t help.
  • For a second chance, help us out by completing this form:
    • For example:
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

November 15, 2010 – The Art of Management

Management lineup includes:

Both events look like great networking and learning events. As a startup, we like the chance for “free” tickets.