in Ontario, Toronto

StartupCamp Toronto 2: Leila Boujnane

I am excited to announce that Leila Boujnane, CEO of Idée, will be closing the evening. Idée, who we have previously profiled, is one of Toronto’s biggest startup success stories, and the wonderful thing is that they are just getting started.

Leila is constantly providing help and guidance to other entrepreneurs, myself included, and she has even been known to take a whip along when a startup isn’t hustling as much as they should be.

I am going to send Leila 5 questions next week, so I want your help. Post or email your questions about starting a company and growing it to be as great as Idée.

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  • StartupNorth » Blog Archive » StartupCamp Toronto 2 - Last release of tickets April 8, 2008

    […] is looking like a great night and it is your chance to hear from some new startups and we also have Leila Boujnane lined up to […]

  • StartupNorth » Blog Archive » StartupCamp Toronto 2 - Last release of tickets April 8, 2008

    […] is looking like a great night and it is your chance to hear from some new startups and we also have Leila Boujnane lined up to […]