in Startups

Communitylend goes live

After a few years and a handful of blog posts, I am at a loss for words other than to say I am glad things are finally rolling and CommunityLend is open for business in Ontario (for accredited investors).

Similar services have both thrived and suffered in the United States in the last 2 years. They have been occasionally targeted by regulators. for example is currently in a “quiet period“,

CommunityLend has taken a much different tact here in Canada however, and they chose to work with regulators rather than taking a litigious approach. In the end the hope is that this will mean a more stable and compliant environment for peer-to-peer lending in Canada.

  1. Wow, this has been a long time in the works. I was following this for awhile but got tired of the delays.

  2. Jevon … Thanks for the mention, and for sticking with our news over an extended period.

    PS .. Prosper is back up and running after gaining the things they require from the SEC in the US.

  3. Wow, this has been a long time in the works. I was following this for awhile but got tired of the delays.

  4. Jevon … Thanks for the mention, and for sticking with our news over an extended period.

    PS .. Prosper is back up and running after gaining the things they require from the SEC in the US.

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