in Exits, Ontario, Startups, Waterloo

PostRank acquired by Google

Ilya has confirmed today that PostRank has been acquired by Google.

The launch of AideRSS, the precursor to PostRank, was one of the first things we covered here on Startupnorth, so we are happy to see such a great outcome for the team.

Google acquires Postrank

We are extremely excited to join Google. We believe there is simply no better company on the web today that both understands the value of the engagement data we have been focusing on, and has the platform and reach to bring its benefits to the untold millions of daily, active Internet users. Stay tuned, we’ll be sure to share details on our progress in the coming months!

Of course, we wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for all the help, feedback, and support we’ve received from our community over the past four years—thank you all, you know who you are, and we truly couldn’t have done it without you!

Ilya also notes that the team will be moving to Mountain View as part of this acquisition.

  1. I’m not sure the price is the story here. Google is getting an amazing technical team and I think that no matter what price is paid, Google is getting a steal of a deal.

  2. Rumor has it that it is fund maker.

    But agreed. They are getting an amazing technical team. The @PostRank team has been killing it.

    A lot of the social media monitoring companies have come of age and are being acquired. I reckon:

    ScoutLabs = Lithium
    Sysomos = Marketwire
    Radian6 = Salesforce
    Hootsuite = ?
    Syncapse = ?
    Lymbix = ?

    Great opportunity.

  3. Don’t be mean… 

    Jokes aside, while I am excited for the PostRank team and this is much better than a nil result, it is a shame more Canadian companies don’t get beyond the acqHire stage.

    On the bright side, I look forward to keeping in touch with Ilya and crashing on his couch next trip to California!

  4. Obviously I’d like to see very large tech companies be built here in Canada. Not many tech companies have that potential though and M&A short term or long is the natural next step. We should continue to celebrate large like small acquisitions, because they nurture our entrepreneurial ambition, higher expectations, hope and most importantly “brain flow”. M&A, be it for technical skill acquisition, revenue acquisition or product complementarity, M&A builds knowledge and relationships. I think Canada needs to build on these links and plan for the subsequent wave of returning entrepreneurs, of C100 members, of emerging entrepreneurs who need to look up to their colleagues and realize that “it’s possible” they can do it too!

    Congrats to the PostRank team! Congrats to Google.

    Looking forward seeing these guys build stronger bridges between Canada and the Valley, valuable relationships and most importantly… starting over again with new startup ideas over the coming years.

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  • PostRank acquired by Google | StartupNorth – Sean McDonald June 4, 2011

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